Kamis, 08 Juli 2010

quest of query

here I go...
walking between truth and lie
standing between idealism and realism..

I can expalain bilss as sorrow..
and sorrow as bliss
and the words I use to explain is infinite like world with whole universe

I see logic is a primary reason to describe truth and ignoring others..
therefore,, I usually use logic to learn and to make decision..

However...someday,, I looked up and conscious that...
logic isn't enough to describe reasons and whole truth..

because not all things is plain,,,
sometimes, we'll find invisible things that some of logical things can't be found in there..
and the way to see that things, I called as art...
art to see other side..
art to pour
to be painted..
into words,, thoughts,, ideas,,music,,paints and many others...

so, we need to be guided, not only by logic..but also by our sense..our intuitive...to think deeply..
to create precious things...and to create a decision soberly...

I know that combination of both will make me understand many things in life,,
and also..how to solve what they said about..
mysterious equation...complex maze...and unknown enigma...
and of course,,my long quest....

and, I'll derive an equilibrium into curve so the life will be in balance place,, as possible as I can do,,
and you'll know that there will be no assume for eternity of equilibrium...
but there are always constraints to reach it...
it's prevalent and unavoidable....

and I'm just ordinay human who can make mistakes..
but I believe
no matter how weaknessess,, everyone can achieve their success with their own way...
so above all things,, I try to reverence my self...

cos the first step to understand the meaning of infinite world..

is let you just be your self...

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