Kamis, 08 Juli 2010

what I thought on 200909

Perfecy by nature
and termination that I face
extreme value has been reached
caused ruin of empire
zenith of fool
just meaningless something
Immortality of bliss is nothing
I'm sure that none cant find truly joy...
Coz basically, every happiness save sorrow..
sorrow in deep heart that none can paint...none can illustrate...
But, a withdrawn can see it

And a withdrawn share her thought...
"Your rescuer is your self, when none can rely on and whole world is gone,
And a rescuer always find a lot of pain, cruelity and violenlce of life throughout her way...It's sure...
Then, a rescuer cry in your soul, lament it's fated...feel the life is vain..."

Rescuer asked,
"I'm just innocent thing in everybody's soul but why life is so cruel to me? why whole world leave me when I am nothing?
Many people said about their perfect life, their dream... I'm so bored to hear it...coz I'm not ambitious to pursue something..I dont want to dream too high beyond my limit of ability..
I just want to feel happiness in my life, not more..
spending all of life with laugh and joy..
And just wanna breath easily before my breathe one's last...
not more,and just it.."

Then a sound breath a word softly...
"Rescuer just you that can help your self to survive..
keep fighting and steadfast on your way...
No matter about how much you fail, how much you cry, how much your fear...
No matter about what they said or done about you
No matter what the problems is beyond your limit...
Your life must go on and keep on your way..
God never ask you to success, but God ask you to never give up...
. .
. . .
. .

Maybe I'm just negative thinking person that stare life with my pessimist glasses...
But I try to spell the meaning of words "oppurtunityisnowhere" as the true equations of life.. Prove it coz one truth must be prevailed...

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